Все о моде D2 Zy-El: trial by fire

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Все о моде D2 Zy-El: trial by fire

Форум любителей мода DII Zy-El: trial by fire

    Обычные свитки куба


    Сообщения : 1089
    Дата регистрации : 2009-07-18
    Возраст : 40
    Откуда : Новосибирская область

    Обычные свитки куба Empty Обычные свитки куба

    Сообщение автор FAYMUS Ср 29 Сен 2010 - 20:20

    Расшифровка некоторых обычных свитков куба. Кто хочет помочь - исследуйте и результаты пишите мне в личку.
    AC1 to any helm
    defense + 1
    AC2 to any helm
    defense + 3
    AC3 to any helm
    defense + 3-6
    AC1 to any shield
    defense + 1-2
    AC2 to any shield
    defense + 3-4
    AC3 to any shield
    defense + 5-6
    AC1 to any torso
    defense + 2-4
    AC2 to any torso
    defense + 6-8
    AC3 to any torso
    defense + 8-11
    atk-dem1 to any missile
    AR + 10 demon
    atk-und1 to any missile
    AR + 10 undead
    att-dem1 to any melee
    AR + 10 demon
    atk-und1 to any melee
    AR + 10 undead
    attack1 to any melee
    AR + 11-16
    attack2 to any melee
    AR + 23
    attack3 to any melee
    AR + 33-58
    attack1 to any missile
    AR + 23-29
    attack2 to any missile
    AR + 30-58
    attack3 to any missile
    AR + 71-90
    balance1 to any helm
    FHR + 5%
    balance2 to any helm
    FHR + 10%
    balance3 to any helm
    FHR + 15%
    block1 to any shield
    ICB + 3%
    cast1 to any glove
    FCR + 5%
    cast2 to any glove
    FCR + 10%
    cast3 to any glove
    FCR + 15%
    HP to any belt
    life + 100
    HP1 to any belt
    life + 7-8
    HP2 to any belt
    life + 12-15
    HP3 to any belt
    life + 17-21
    HP1 to any charm
    life + 23-60
    HP2 to any charm
    life + 40-120
    HP3 to any charm
    life + 68-166
    lifesteal1 to any ring
    life stolen per hit + 1%
    light1 to any charm
    light + 1
    light1 to any belt
    light + 1
    light1 to any melee
    light + 1
    light1 to any helm
    light + 1
    light1 to any torso
    light + 1
    mana1 to any charm
    mana + 20-27
    mana2 to any charm
    mana + 43-59
    mana3 to any charm
    mana + 78-150
    mana3 to any amulet
    mana + 15
    mana to any helm
    mana + 50
    mana reg to amulet
    regen. Mana + 5%
    mana-kill1 to any missile
    mana + 1 after each kill
    damage1 to any melee
    damage + 2-4
    damage2 to any melee
    damage + 4-8
    damage3 to any melee
    damage + 6-12
    damage1 to any missile
    damage + 1-2
    damage2 to any missile
    damage + 2-4
    damage3 to any missile
    damage + 3-6
    dmg-AC1 to any melee
    -30 defens monster
    dmg-AC2 to any melee
    -60 defens monster
    dmg-AC3 to any melee
    -90 defens monster
    dmg-dem1 to any melee
    damage + 10% demon
    dmg-und1 to any melee
    damage + 5% undead
    dmg-dem1 to any missile
    damage + 5% demon
    dmg-und1 to any missile
    damage + 5-10% undead
    pierce to any missile
    piercing attack
    freeze to any weapon
    freeze + 3
    red-ac1 to any melee
    результат неизвестен
    red-ac2 to any melee
    результат неизвестен
    red-ac3 to any melee
    результат неизвестен
    red-dmg1 to any torso
    DR 2-3
    red-dmg2 to any torso
    DR 4-5
    red-dmg3 to any torso
    DR 6-9
    red-mag1to any torso
    MDR 2-3
    red-mag2to any torso
    MDR 4-6
    red-mag3 to any torso
    MDR 8
    red-pois-len to any shield
    poison reduced 7%
    red-pois-len to any torso
    poison reduced 5%
    rep-dur2 to any weapon
    repairs 1 in 25 seconds
    rep-dur3 to any weapon
    repairs 1 in 20 seconds
    rep-dur4 to any weapon
    repairs 1 in 12 seconds
    rep-dur1 to any armor
    repairs 1 in 50 seconds
    rep-dur2 to any armor
    repairs 1 in 33 seconds
    rep-dur3 to any armor
    repairs 1 in 25 seconds
    res-all1 to any shield
    all resist + 3%
    res-cold1 to any shield
    cold resist + 7%
    res-fire1 to any shield
    fire resist + 7%
    res-ltng1 to any shield
    lightning resist + 7%
    res-mag1 to any shield
    magic resist + 5%
    res-pois1 to any shield
    poison resist + 7%
    res-fire1 to any torso
    fire resist + 5%
    res-ltng1 to any torso
    lightning resist + 5%
    res-pois1 to any torso
    poison resist + 5%
    stack1 to any thrown
    quantity + 10
    swing1 to any glove
    IAS + 5%
    swing2 to any glove
    IAS + 10%
    swing3 to any glove
    IAS + 15%
    str1 to any glove
    Strength + 2
    str1 to any shield
    Strength + 2-4
    dex1 to any belt
    Dexterity + 2-4
    dex1 to any charm
    Dexterity + 3-4
    vit1 to ring
    Vitality + 3-4
    vit1 to any torso
    Vitality + 2-3
    enr1 to any helm
    Energy + 2-3
    enr1 to amulet
    Energy + 2-3
    town scroll to stan topaz
    Standart Topaz
    ful rejuv to stan ruby
    Standart Rubin
    thaw to stan saphire
    Standart Saphire
    stand gem to key
    Flwls Gem to Elexir
    flawls gem to Elexir
    Standart Gem to Joker
    random Joker
    Standart Gem to TCard2
    random TCard2
    TCard to TCard+1 any suit
    random TCard+1
    TCard to TCard+1 same suit
    same TCard+1

    Последний раз редактировалось: FAYMUS (Пт 29 Июл 2011 - 22:16), всего редактировалось 4 раз(а)

    Сообщения : 1089
    Дата регистрации : 2009-07-18
    Возраст : 40
    Откуда : Новосибирская область

    Обычные свитки куба Empty Re: Обычные свитки куба

    Сообщение автор FAYMUS Ср 29 Сен 2010 - 20:27

    Chip Gem add ma-min/max1 to any weapon
    +3 to magic dmg
    Chip Gem add ma-min/max1 to any ring
    +3 to magic dmg
    Chip Gem add lt-min1 to any jewel
    +6 to min lghtng dmg
    Chip Gem add co-min1 to any jewel
    +1 to min cold dmg
    Flawed Gem add ltma-min1 to any jewel
    +4 to min lghtng dmg; +3 to magic dmg
    Flawed Gem add copo-min1 to any jewel
    +6 to min poison dmg; +1 to min cold dmg
    Flawed Gem add mafi-min1 to any jewel
    +3 to magic dmg; +3 to min fire dmg
    Flawed Gem add ma-min/max2 to any jewel
    +6 to magic dmg
    Flawed Gem add fico-min1 to any jewel
    +3 to min fire dmg; +1 to min cold dmg
    Flawed Gem add ficoltpoph-min1 to any jewel
    all min=+3 fire;+2 cold;+4 lghtng;+6 poison;+3 dmg
    Flawed Gem add filt-min1 to any jewel
    +3 to min fire dmg; +6 to min lghtng dmg
    Flawed Gem add po-min1 to any jewel
    +12 to min poison dmg
    Flawed Gem add ph-min2 to any jewel
    +6 to min dmg;
    Flawed Gem add fico-min1 to any ring
    +3 to min fire dmg; +2 to min cold dmg
    Flawed Gem add maph-min1 to any ring
    +3 to magic dmg; +3 to dmg
    Flawed Gem add ma-min/max2 to any ring
    +6 to magic dmg
    Flawed Gem add colt-min1 to any ring
    +1 to min cold dmg; +4 to min lghtng dmg
    Flawed Gem add co-min2 to any ring
    +2 to min cold dmg
    Flawed Gem add ltpo-min1 to any weapon
    +4 to min lghtng dmg; +6 to min poison dmg
    Flawed Gem add fi-min2 to any weapon
    +6 to min fire dmg;
    Flawed Gem add phfi-min1 to any weapon
    +3 to min dmg; +3 to min fire dmg
    Flawed Gem add co-min2 to any weapon
    +2 to min cold dmg
    Thul to Hel
    превращение руны Тул в руну Хел
    Nef to Ort
    превращение руны Нэф в руну Орт

    AR - attack rating
    FHR - faster hit recovery
    ICB - быстрый блок
    FCR - faster cast rating
    DR - damage reduced
    MDR - magic damage reduced
    IAS - increased attack speed

      Текущее время Сб 27 Июл 2024 - 16:55