автор mahatmaQL Вт 26 Авг 2014 - 16:37
thanks for your work, horvay. I'm sure, unlike phrozenkeep this forum community and many others gamers approve a mod developing you and Montex do.
It is absurd to read about the permission to develop a dead mod. If PK's admins forbid you to make updates for Zy-El mod, you will be able to give your own name for mod and develop it like you want. I am sure that many gamers will want to play renewed mod, especially if it will be more challenging, than Kato's mod.
Fixed the bug where mana/level and hp/level didn't work. Updated the raw Binary file... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dv8dzyox5z51st9/AADXIwHrR0h1c53IebdqgHKSa?dl=0 Goes into your C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II\zyel\data\global\excel folder, or equivilant. Just temporary until Montex comes back or delivers the source files (I have two messages out to him letting him know I'll take over if he wants.) пишет:
Профиксен баг с mana/level и hp/level. Для обновления, скачайте бинарный файл в C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II\zyel\data\global\excel